I saw this article concerning Craig's monologue from last night's show. Basically, he stated that he wasn't going to make fun of Britney Spears and the train wreck that she's become because he didn't think comedy was about attacking the vulnerable and she looked like she needed help. Another article went into a little more detail in regards to what he said concerning his own battle with alcohol,
"And here is why, here is exactly why. This weekend she was checking in, out of rehab, shaving head, getting tattoos. This Sunday I was 15 years sober. And I looked at her weekend -- and I looked at my weekend -- and I thought I'd rather have my weekend. "
I have a lot of respect for someone who doesn't take the easy joke and is completely honest about themselves at the same time. I'll be recording The Late Late Show from this point on.
Loved the movies Saving Grace and The Big Tease. I watched the YouTube feed, he had a lot of courgage to say what he did. Well Done.
hi Chris
I haven't seen either movie but I intend to pick them up on your recommendation.
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